Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Mummy and Usual suspects

The Mummy and Usual suspects

During class I watched some scenes of The Mummy and Usual suspects to analyse them and find key concepts and conventions, which occur in the certain scenes.

The Mummy:

  • Dark lighting all the way through creating suspence
  • Tense music used to keep the audience alarmed and awake
  • Exaggerated sounds of the beetles eating the flesh, this is used to highlight this action and make it more dramatic and violent.
  • Murder is taking place which is a crime therefore hinting to us that its a thriller
  • Fighting also is taking place to create action in the scene

    Usual suspects:

  • Not much going on therefore the audience become confused on whats going on and it becomes complex
  • Creepy and dark  location
  • A main theme we consider is revenage which will intrigue the audeince  
  • Also dark clothing is worn by every character we meet and this is a key convention for thrillers
  • Dark and dull lighting throughout this opening.

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