Tuesday 21 October 2014

Media Social Classes

A particular media survey for social Classes was taken place. It is split up into 5 groups of 10 year olds and above. These groups are Mainstreamers, Reformers, Apirers, Individuals and Succeeders.
Mainstreamers: at 40% of the market this is the largest segment of consumers. This group seek security un conformity and tend to buy well-established brands such as Heinz Baked Beans or Kellogg's Cornflakes.
Reformers: This group want to make the world a better place. They tend to be educated professionals such as teachers, doctors etc. These people buy eco-friendly products and healthy foods. Although This is relatively small group of consumers they have an influential voice with manufacturers.
Aspirers: This group's motivation is status and they tend to buy smart high tech and high-fashion goods which will help give them a higher status image. Louis Vuitton have targeted this market.
Individuals: These people respond to advertising which emphasises quirkiness or individuality. The enigmatic Guinness commercials target these people.
Succeeders: These are people who have climbed the ladder and now want to keep control of what they have. Car advertisements which emphasise power and control are aimed at this group.

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