Tuesday 14 October 2014

Jaws and Saw

Jaws and Saw

I did further research onto two more thriller films that are very popular. I did this because i thought these two could possibly give me ideas towards our own thriller opening. Also by looking at popular thriller films i thought they would have many key conventions that people loved.


  • During this opening we only seem to witness darkness, even though its at night we still see no colour anywhere. Which is common for us to see in thriller's.
  • Confusion about whats going on. Its hard for us to understand because we only witness one key character swimming.
  • Happy classic music occurs we don't here any warning towards whats going on so its a quick surprise scene when she is getting dragged around. We don't expect it at all.
  • We also only see her by herself which creates a sense of venerability. 


  • Crime is shown to us, as we witness obviously these two guys have been kidnapped, however we then witness this guy in the middle of the fall murdered.
  • The location is a key convention that we witness in thrillers, as it looks dirty, its creepy and abandoned.
  • We straight away can see there is a theme, which is Mind games. We get this because of the men being chained down and this guy in the middle of the floor with a voice tape and a gun.
  • We also have confusion on whats going on. This also makes us feel apart of the action because the two men also feel this way. 
Many people say that Saw is a horror movie however we once again witness this confusion of thriller conventions and themes introduced into this. I have also asked a few people on what they thought Saw was and all but two (2/12 people) said that the thought it was a thriller. Therefore i believe it is a thriller as its more jumpy and is more on the road of thriller then a horror.

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