Friday 17 October 2014

Past Student Work

Missing by Incognito Productions

This opening is very intriguing for the audience as we witness confusion on why this little innocent girl has gone missing. The title foreshadows whats going to happen and this is useful for the audience because it helps us understand the story in such a sort space of time. Overall we can see the main theme of this thriller is kidnapping which is a crime and crime is a key convention to thriller's.


We witness a little girl playing in the park with her granddad, however we can't be 100% sure if he is the granddad because we do see unsual thinks happening that he does. However we then see that the granddad starts looking and writing in his book as this happens the little girl runs off. We see her running off into the woods were no one is apart from someone waiting for her?. We then start seeing the Granddad then see's that she is gone. We then hear a over voice of a reporter telling us that this little girl has gone missing. This is when we realise whats happened but still have confusion about the granddad if its protagonist or antagonist. 


The sound is played the whole way through this opening and it adds that extra tension on top of the situation. We hear for dramatic music during the first few seconds but when it hit into the main scene in the park we get this creepy music that we aren't sure if its a nursery rhyme or something else. We have this in the background always playing even if its quite or loud. We then hear a over voice and this is very effective because we still see the action and see the newspaper however are getting information on top of that.


The amount of Camerawork used is very efficient because we see close up's on key facial expressions we also get wide shots of the park which helps us see that no one else is there and that there alone.

Then we see POV which is a key convention to have in a thriller movie. We see this when the girl is one the zip wire this adds a little tension because we a witnessing what the little girl is and we see from her eyes. This also makes us feel apart of the action but also can make us feel the tension and suspense as we don't know whats about the happen.  
Then we see mid shots which helps us work out whats the relationship with the little girl and the man, and we can get the view of him being a granddad.

Mise en scene

During this credits we see a newspaper background being used. This is to highlight the fact that the newspaper is a important prop during the opening. This also links to the title that we see repeatedly over the newspapers and the start and end. The title is also showing us that this little girl could go missing at any point in time. Then We see the costume of the little girl, we witness her wearing a red dress which could link to the fact of blood. Which makes us question whats going on and why is she wearing red is thats what we see the colour to be. 
We also see the location is a park, which is where we associate children to be, which also is the reason from them using this park because it makes it more realistic and believable.  


This whole opening is based upon slow motion because everything is slow and mysterious. We see this when the little girl is spinning on the chair with her granddad pushing her, this also adds tension and suspense  However we the granddad has realised that she is missing the pace picks up to show us his panic.

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