Monday 13 October 2014

Past student work - Missing by Incognito Productions

I think this opening is effective as it illustrates to us that the film will be about people who have disappeared. It also draws us in as we want to know who is taking the children/what is happening to them. However to begin with I feel that it is unclear if the elderly man is good or bad as he seems as though he was prying in the little girls life - slightly creepy.

·         Granddad at a park with his granddaughter (what it seems to be)
·         The girl suddenly runs off and goes missing
·         Cuts between the day she goes missing and the grandfather trying to figure out what happened
·         We later find out that she has been killed
·         however we also see that lots of other children are missing - we then wonder what has happened to them all and why they are 'missing'

·         High angle of the man reading his notepad - makes him look extremely vulnerable and therefore we sympathise with him immediately
·         However later on we see a low angle of  him - this makes us feel that he has taken control and will figure our the situation
·         Wide shot of the park - shows it was just an innocent day out that went wrong. It is also a task that we can all associate with

Mise en scene:
·         Title credits consisting of newspaper clippings - the word 'missing' is repeated, this is a clever way of including the title while also indicating to the audience that many people have gone missing and there is a large crime to figure out. Therefore also telling us what the future narrative may include
·         Plaits in the little girls hair - this is typical of a young innocent girl and thus makes us sympathise with her and worry for her safety. It also depicts that she is the victim in the situation
·         The little girl is also wearing red - this colour is associated with blood and therefore we immediately feel that something bad may happen to her (and it does)

·         Little girl on the zip wire 'weeeeee' - she was happy and having a fun day, this again makes us sympathise with her as she was just an innocent girl and did not deserve what happened to her
·         Voice over of the news articles - indicates what happened to the girl without showing us. It also illustrates that it will be a big part of the rest of the narrative as many people were talking about it
·         Creepy fairytale music - seems as though it should be happy situation but the tone of the music demonstrates that something bad will happen

·         Cross cut between the day of her going missing and the man and his note pad - shows us that he may be trying to recall the day in order to figure out what happened and get justice for what happened to her
·         Slow motion of her spinning - creates tension as it seems as though she is having fun but the music contrasts the slow motion and makes us feel uneasy

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