Friday 3 October 2014

Past Student Work


Mise en scene
  • When the man is the shed there is dark grimy colours which makes the audience feel unsafe and that this shed is a bad place. This contrasts to the park scene where everything is light and full of rich colours.
  • The park seems very innocent so it makes everything a bit more disturbed
  • There is news papers al over the walls which is very mysterious and makes the audience question what this is about
  • The little girl is wearing colourful, cute and innocent clothes which contrasts to the old man who is wearing quite dark clothing.
  • There is classical ballet music playing over dark and edgy music. This is also another effective contrast.
  • Creepy music is played over the little girl which foreshadows that something bad is going to happen to her
  • The music gets louder as it focuses on the old man
  • Voice over of the news report, over a picture of the little girl. This makes the audience aware that it was her.
  • The title sequence has gun shot sounds. This foreshadows crime and danger.
There is a long shot of them in the park. This shows the audience their body language and the setting they are in.

There is the Point of View from the man of the park. This  allows us to see exactly what he is seeing, and maybe feel some of what he is feeling.
Then there is a close up of his hand circling bits on  a news paper. This tells the audience that this is important. The audience now want to know more about this piece of information
  • It is slow motion whilst he is spinning round the little girl on the seat in the park. This makes the audience pay particular attention to this which makes them want to know more
  • When he closes his eyes it fades to the next scene of him in the park with her. This gives the effect that it is a dream or a flashback.
Overall I think that this film was very good. The best part about it was the music. The music helped build a lot of suspense. I'm sure I shall try the same sort of things when doing the music for our film. The only downside to this film was it was a bit shaky in parts where the camera was not meant to be shaky. For example when you're following the girl on the swing. I shall make sure in our film that we make the camera very steady whilst filming. 

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