Friday 3 October 2014

Openings of thriller films

The Usual Suspect:
This thriller included a very dark setting as the lighting was dim, making the characters look suspicious.  The music was quiet and slow, which created tension and give you a hint on what was going on as it was not explained. Although you can guess that a murder is about to happen and it seems like revenge with the way the characters were speaking and the tone of their voices. The opening scene itself is already tense as the way the mans holding the gun & the camera shot is focusing on the characters face, which can give you an idea what the rest of the film will be like.

The Mummy:
Firstly we hear a narrator telling the story in a creepy tone of what happened in the past and ancient Egyptian tales, without this we wouldn't understand that whats happening is in the past and that this scene is a very important part of the film. As we are shown into the Temple we meet the main villain, Imhotep, who we can see is being buried alive with intense music and the lighting dark as he is struggling to escape but it's too late. We can clearly see the fear on his face making you feel a little uncomfortable as they set flesh eating beetles on him. The sound of the beetles is enhanced to make it more dramatic and gruesome/violent. 

LA Confidential:
In this opening scene we get a completely different way to how the other thriller films are opened. We are used to lots of crime, dark settings, tense music and mysterious characters so it's quite refreshing. First we are being told the history of the town and a little of one of the characters but by a man who sounds more happy, which matches the happy, old fashioned music. This can give you the wrong idea of whats going on, but thriller films love to confuse audiences. In this opening scene they took the complete opposite approach of what you'd expect a thriller to be like. Also there is no dark setting or dark clothing, it's much more colourful. We are told there was crime and broken laws but we do not get to see any action yet until later on. 

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