Wednesday 3 December 2014

Understanding sound within Movies

Understanding and Using Sound article


  • Diegetic Sound-  This is when the character within the scene can hear the music or sound that is occurs in the imaginary world e.g. Foot steps that are from the character
  • Non-Diegetic sound-  Characters cannot hear this as it does not occur in the imaginary world but outside this world. This music is typically added to the scene, for the audience's enjoyment. 
  • On-Screen- Refers to sound whose source can be seen in the frame, its still diegetic sound as its happening within the world of the film.
  • Off-screen- Refers to the sound that happens outside the frame, its still diegetic sound as its  happening within the world of the film.
  • Parallel- This is sound that emphasises whats taking place at that moment.
  • Contrapuntal- Refers to sound that works in opposition to, and comments, the images on the screen.
  • Sound bridge - a sound effect of music that links two scenes together as a cut has been put between these scenes.
  • Direct sound-  This is sound that would of been recored at the same time the scene was taken. This is because it makes the music sound more realistic.
  • Post-synchronised Sound- Is added after the filming has taken place. e.g. films made in a different language are usually are dubbed in this way into other languages.
  • Foley Session-  Virtually all sound effects are added to films in a foley session.

Early years Sound was a huge problem for them. Film cameras at the time were very loud therefore they had to hid this sound somehow, they would be enclosed in "blimps" in order to muffle the sound. Directors during filming had to remain silent during filming, which meant their instructions couldn't be recored. However now we have all the music added after the filming which means they use direct sound to lay over the top of the scenes. I learnt that until the mid-30's it wasn't possible to change a film's soundtrack after editing. Which meant the sound effects had to be recorded at the same tim, because of this it meant musicians would often be playing in the corner of the set while the scene was taking place.
Now sound can be used in many different ways because technology has improved massively. This also helps now because it means sound can be more precise.
During Hot fuzz different types of sound are worked together to create a overall effect in the first couple of minutes. In Hot fuzz half of the sound in the first section is post-synchronised.

Sound designers such as : Simon Gershon and Jeremy Price both designed the sound for 10,000 B.C which is a sci.thriller. This film was one of the most poplar films done. It was in cinemas march the 7th.

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