Wednesday 3 December 2014

Sound designer: Elliot Zoretz

Elliot Zoretz is a very well known sound designer and has worked on many well known films. Elliot worked at Walt Disney for a while and worked himself up to be a sound designer. He is known for many films such as: Ted in 2012, A millions way to die in the west in 2014, Collateral in 2004, A thousand words in 2012, Warrior, Percy Jackson: sea of monsters and many many more. He has worked on many different genre's of films and has never failed to complete amazing sound throughout this films. 
He was nominated for a Prime-time Emmy for The Beast and Space. He was also nominated in 2005 for a BAFTA  for Collateral, but won a Golden satellite award for "Best Sound" (editing and mixing) for Collateral.

Collateral is a 20-04 American Neo-noir crime thriller that was directed by Michael Mann, starring Tom Cruise (who is a typically thriller actor) and Jamir Foxx as a taxi driver who finds himself the hostage of an egging contract killer as he makes his rounds from ht to hit during one night in LA. Micheal Mann is known for Heat in 1995, Public Enemies in 2009 and many more.

Im analysing the first 4 minutes and 30 seconds of this clip. The first few shots are filmed in shallow focus of only our main character (Tom Cruise), going from right to left through the crowd, is in focus. The other people are hardly in focus, their faces are almost blurred out because its highlighting the fact their not important. This shows us that this story will revolve around one person, initially just another one among a faceless crowd.
We get a busy location, were we hear people talking, which makes this realistic because its a everyday thing. We then hear exaggerated foot steps coming from a guy that is the second character shown to us. However we don't know if he's important or not. We get non- diegetic music being played to us while Tom is walking and this is to make the audience feel tense and unsure. We then get a sound bridge with the music still caring on to the next scene to the Taxi driver in a workshop. We can hear exaggerated sounds of machines and car workshops noises to make it realistic. However this music is parallel music because its emphasising whats going on around him. We then come inside the car when we have the background music still caring on until we get a cut when he slams the door shut. 
During the car journey we see him look at the photo he put up. Suddenly music plays which is diegetic music because its playing in the car but then off screen for the audience to show us the car travelling, but this music is fun and is music that goes wight hat location. We then get more diegetic music, as the shop he pulls out in front of is playing music. We feel clam at this point because the music is happy and fun.

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