Monday 8 December 2014

Teen wolf : Title sequence

Teen wolf season 4

This title sequence is very dark lighting which adds the dramatic feel. Its tense to watch because of it being so dark, also we feel that because of the darkness it could tell us something about the characters. Using the contrast of light and dark makes us tell that its a thriller.

Each part of the opening introduces us to a different character, to tell the audience a few seconds of their life. During this opening we firstly meet a red eye which then expands out to the character Scott who is played by Tyler. From him being first we can see that he is a important character and possibly the protagonist. However during the beginning we have the feeling of a super natural theme. The colour red is a connotation of danger and blood however this character has a wolf in front of his face before therefore we feel that he could be a wolf and changes into them. 
We also see the main character introduced to us because we have a look at his whole body. We see him jumping raising up from dust or ashes from a fire. However this move is very effective and dramatic and makes us feel that he is important as he looks down the camera lens. His name is almost like stone and is falling apart as we change to the next character because we see dust/ashes coming off the name.

We then come to Dylan who id playing Stiles who obviously plays a smart well educated guy who is human. We see this because he is surrounded by a map that has thread leading to something that we don't know. However we see photos that look like humans, wolfs and murders. Murders are a key convention to a thriller. Jackson is shown to us after Scott which could mean that Jackson plays the sidekick to Scott (the best friend).

We then come to another wolf which is more obvious to us because we see the fangs. We also see that he looks like he's in pain from something as he almost looks like he's screaming while the ash fly's off his body. It looks
like he's remind of something from the past. We see that he is  still in the darkness which could mean  because he's a wolf he has to hid who he really is.

We then come to Lydia who isn't shown to us much. The lighting also only lights up her face. This could be because they want to highlight the struggle and worry in her facial expression. We also have slow motion of her being dragged away by something which makes the audience intrigued.
We then see 2 different tattoos placed on the back between he shoulders then one located on the arm. These tattoos somehow grow. The camera being focused on these tattoos for so long could mean they are important, but makes us question why. They are in black ink which could mean darkness, dark magic and the supernatural.

Lastly we come back to our main character Scott. We finish on his face until "Teen Wolf" the title comes on the screen. We see both red in his eyes and a harsh facial expression. We see his face seeming to fade into the darkness which could mean he has to hid in the darkness. Overall this opening really helps us relate to the characters and also learn about them. The colours of black and natural skin colours also show us the supernatural theme. However we still get the un- answered questions and sense of confusion because we don't fully understand why they are who they are.

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