Monday 8 December 2014

Opening Sequence: Dexter

Thriller opening titles:


Within this opening sequence we see Dexter going through his daily morning routine like everyone else, however we can see there is a hidden message behind each thing he does which link/foreshadows murder. For example the first thing we see is him kill a bug on his arm with his bare hands without any disgust about the little blood, then we see the blood red words 'Dexter' across the screen with dripping blood which clearly relates to his joy of murdering. The background behind the text is plain, with dark shadows around the edges which contrast well with the red.

 Then we see Dexter shaving his facial hair and accidentally cut himself whilst doing so, this could be a metaphor for perhaps slicing someones throat, with the blood dripping down into the shower and soaking the tissue. Next we see him cooking his breakfast, with closeups of his hand using a large knife to slice open the meat packet and the meat, which can symbolise cutting/stabbing someone. As well as the cracking of the egg, eating the bacon, with the ketchup which looks like blood dripping over it.

 The way he cuts the orange, squishes it and makes his coffee all look like ways he could be murdering somebody and the way he wraps the tooth floss around his fingers and the shoe laces can show a way he strangles people. When he puts his tshirt over his head we see an outline of his face, this could be portraying him straggling someone. The way it finishes is Dexter looking right into the camera with a deadly look in his eyes, and then goes outside looking surprisingly happy, yet like he is up to something. 

The whole opening that is all closeups of his actions in slow pace, is creating the suspense and building the thriller genre that makes the audience feel curious to what he will do next and how, and perhaps threatened.

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