Monday 29 September 2014

Opening Sequence analysis: Usual Suspects and LA confidental

I watched the openings of Usual Suspects and LA confidential to analyse them and find key concepts which were featured in both.

Usual Suspects:

-Suspenseful music created tension to keep the audience engaged.
-Dark and gloomy colours, this creates mystery as the audience can not see everything.
-Little talking leads to the audience being slightly confused and unsure of what is going on, and therefore they will become engaged as they want to find out what is going on.
-Exaggerated sounds of fire shows that it is an important aspect and may be important later on.
-Gun shots were fired but did not show the audience where they were coming from. This creates mystery and intrigues the audience. It is also a common convention of thrillers

LA Confidential:
-The happy music creates a false sense of security.
-The voice over is trying to depict LA as being wonderful, this is contrasting the words he is actually saying and therefore the audience will be confused (a common thriller convention).
-When the champagne pops someone assumes it is a gun shot and reaches for his own, this shows the 'world' is not safe and foreshadows that gun violence will be a key role later on in the film.
-"trouble in paradise"  indicates that there are many problems swell as "hush hush" showing there are lots of secrets within LA. This intrigues the audience as they want to know what is going on within LA.
-This is an unconventional opening as it doesn't introduce any characters, but instead the location, it also trys to depict it as a nice place.

These two openings were extremely different as Usual Suspects used dramatic scenes to entice the audiences and indicate the crimes. Where as LA Confidential built up an image of the location to establish what the narrative may include.   

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