Monday 29 September 2014

Opening Sequence analysis: Shutter Island

1.  What does the set up reveal to the audience about the setting?
The set up indicates that the setting is extremely dangerous and suspicious. For example the high wall, electric fence and many guards indicate that they are not safe there. It is also portrayed as isolated as the only where on and off the island was by boat. The captain was eager for them to depart the boat quickly as a storm was coming in, therefore showing the audience that they were going to be trapped there until the storm was over.

2.  What does the set up reveal to the audience about the characters? (choose one character)
Teddy is portrayed as slightly disturbed and insane. This is firstly due him talking to himself on the boat and being distraught by the sight of water, he is also surrounded by chains and cages which indicates he is trapped and shut there for a reason. It also shows that it will be significant later on in the film as it was important to his life before.
Secondly Teddy states what he knew the fence was electrical as he had 'seen something like it before', this is foreshadowing the fact that he lives in the mental institute but also shows that he has faced crime and danger before due to his job. This portrays him as being extremely brave.
Teddy seemed reluctant to trust anyone in the opening, this is showing that something happened in his past which led to him disinclined to trust anyone. This makes us feel that his lack in trust may correct and therefore also makes the audience feel little trust in the staff at the mental institute.
Finally when he first walks into the institute the patients were acting like they knew him, this is showing that he is almost one of them as he is recognised.
The close up at the beginning of the film clearly shows his insanity. His facial expression seems very worried, and is sweating a lot.

3.  What does the set up reveal about the interrelationship between characters? About their goals? Are there any things you learn that become important later on?
Firstly it is shown that Teddy does not yet trust Chuck. When chuck was handing his gun over to the Marshall, Teddy noticed his difficulty in getting it out of its case, he then made a concerned face towards him to indicate his low trust in him. This is important later on as it turns out that Chuck was working against/helping him the whole time.
Secondly there was tension between the Marshall and Teddy & Chuck, this is foreshadowing the end of the film as the Marshall would of known about Teddy's history and previous murder. This consequently shows why the Marshall is resentful and 'on edge' around them.

4.  What is the 'world' like?
The world seems very dangerous, this is due to the eerie feeling created by the music and darkness of the set up. Even the characters seem on edge as the Marshall says 'everyone's on edge' referring the true story of Teddy's mental health. It is also very mysterious, no one is sure of what has happened and what will happen. Also the curiosity of 'block C' and what is in there is exaggerated by high security of the building; this is also shows danger and indicates it will be important later on.

5.  What possible conflicts or strains are there that will become part of the story later on?
Teddy's phobia of water becomes a huge part of the film later on. Her wife drowned her 3 children, which resulted in Teddy killing his wife. This is therefore a significant part later on when we begin to find out that ted is really the psychiatric patient.
Another significant moment is when Teddy's cigarettes mysteriously disappear and Chuck offers him one. Later on in the film we find out that the Chucks cigarettes contained drugs to keep Teddy restrained and calm. This is another example of foreshadowing as it was a hint to the later story. 
This mid shot seems to show affection, however the woman  is dead. It shows that he has tried to rescue her, but has not succeed.

6.  How does the film opening fit with the codes and conventions of Thriller films?
The opening of shutter island fits in with Thriller films as it contained a lot of mystery as we were unsure of what, how and why the patient had gone missing. This is also a red herring as it was a ploy to help Teddy remember what had happened to his family. As well as being a red herring it was a crime location as the 'FBI' were involved due to the mysterious disappearing/kidnapping.
The whole opening was extremely dark with loud music this was to create suspense and tension as firstly we were unsure why they were there. This is common in Thriller films as it requires the audience to think and make assumptions which may not be entirely true.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Amy. You have concerned a broad range of ideas but I would like you to talk more about how the micro elements are used to convey your points to the audience. Remember to talk about camera/ editing/ sound/ mise en scene as much as you can to back up the points you are making
