Tuesday 30 September 2014

Shutter Island

What does the set up reveal to the audience about this setting?
Firstly, from the location we can already tell their is an uneasy, dark atmosphere as they're in the middle of nowhere that looks quite abandoned, and foggy. This already can introduce the feel of the rest of the film just because of the opening. You can sense danger is near as they get closer to the island and the creepy music increases. We are then introduced to the building as the fog fades and we now they've arrived.

What does the set up reveal to the audience about the characters?
We first learn that Teddy, the main character, is strange and on edge as we see him talk to himself and say "pull yourself together", and has a fear of water. However he is smart as he is supposed to be one of the best detectives around. But without revealing too much to the audience we get a flashback of Teddy with his wife and we assume she is dead from a gunshot sound. The flashback can hint to his fears also. Something strange happens as the people who already are on the island wave to him as if they're old friends which can confuse the audience and make them wonder if he's been there before

What does the setup reveal about interrelationship with characters?
Teddy has a partner who he has been made to work with called Chuck, we can learn that Teddy does not yet trust Chuck meaning he must be careful around him. This is because when they're asked to hand in their guns, Chuck is very fidgety with his and appears to not know how to unhook it although he's been a detective for 4 years.

What is the world like?
 From the setting and dark lighting, you can tell it isn't a safe environment and it seems very dangerous. Everyone including the guards seem on edge, especially around Teddy leading the audience to question is he is who he really says he is? Also, the prisoners are all chained up so you know they're threatening and could harm others.

What possible conflicts or strains are there that will become part of the story later on?
When Teddy says "why are all the guards on edge" and they reply "right now we all are", it hints to the rest of the story and throughout the movie we find out to why they say this. Also when we see he has a fear of water which we learn about later on.

How does the film opening fit with the codes and conventions of thriller films?
Crime which is a key convention, fits in the opening as we can assume everyone is in the institution for criminal reasons. The dark setting and depressing weather is connotation to the film atmosphere as it is dark, foggy and gritty. A complex plot is common in thrillers and we see it being used in the opening because of the flashbacks and throughout, as we are mislead to believe who the characters really are and their pasts. Also, music is key and we hear suspenseful music throughout to build tension and set the mood for the rest of the film.

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