Wednesday 12 November 2014

Thriller Trailer

Into The Storm (2014)

Within this trailer there is a lot of focus on mostly sound and not many images at all until the end, the screen tells you to listen closely as it plays sounds of a storm, sirens and the sounds of a tornado ripping through. This effects the viewer by creating tension and terror as though it's really the end of the world and like they're really there facing the storm. The use of no images really makes you just focus on the sound also because that's what they want the main focus of this trailer to be.

Mise-en-scene such as props isn't really the main focus here as we don't see any except some people running with cameras, neither is costume as it's hard to see in the short clips of the people and their clothes are all ruined and soaked from the rain. The first location we see is people in the hallways of a school ducking down for cover as the tornado rips through the building, holding on for their lives and the second one we see is some people hiding in an underground tunnel, running through a field in front of a church, and lastly out on the streets. The lighting used is very dark to set the atmosphere, and also of course it's already dark outside because of the weather which creates perhaps a feeling of being unsafe and uncertainty. When it comes to the actors we do not see any main focuses on just one character so we do not know who is the main character or who exactly this is about, all we truly see is a bunch of people either running, holding on for life, or Richard Armitage and Sarah Wayne-Callies characters in the middle of the storm which can give us hints to who is in it.

The music and sound effects here are the most important part of this trailer as firstly we hear the sounds of a clear summers day and birds tweeting and then we hear a roar of thunder in the sky and the screen goes blank. Wind starts picking up, the sirens begin to echo throughout the town warning everyone for what's coming, (which also alarms the audience to get ready for what's coming). We start hearing something being destroyed and something along the lines of a power line snapping, again wind increases and rain starts pouring, glass smashes, a sound of an explosion. Then suddenly the sounds completely stop and it comes to an image of the words 'this is the sound' 'you will never forget', it cuts to a clip of students in the school halls as the tornado is destroying everything, the roof is tearing off, people are screaming and trying to grab onto something as they're getting dragged by the wind. The use of a school can relate to a target audience that they're hoping to attract as it could make you think 'what if this happened to my school' and it makes you really think what if you went through that, you'd be terrified which adds to the tenseness of this scenario. Again it goes silence for quick second and then the fast paced, dramatic music plays of banging and drums to match what's on the screen and it plays another clip after a second of darkness of people in the underground tunnels holding onto railings. Whenever it cuts to the clips of writing such as 'there is no calm' 'before the storm' the music stops each time so you can focus on one thing at a time and it builds up the tension, this is repeated until the end and the first bit of speech we hear is "run!". Then we see two characters holding onto the Titus outside and scream "hold on" "don't let go!" which really creates the atmosphere and make you think about what they're going through and the terror they must feel as they fight for the lives.

Then it cuts to the movie title as once again the music pauses, then we see the extreme outcomes of this storm as we see a clip (with no music, just exaggerated sounds of winds and crashing) of a bunch of airplanes and lorry's being lifted up into the tornado and thrown around showing you just how big and strong this tornado really is and damage its capable of.

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