Sunday 2 November 2014

Audience research analysis

In total i had 23 people fill out my audience research survey. This is more specific then having only 10 people because it allows me to use a wide range of opinions. Also lets me see views from my target audience.

1) what is your age?

The most common age i found that answered my survey was the 16-24 band with 63.64%. This was very useful because this is my target audience which will help me produce what they want.This also helps because it means everything else on this questionnaire will have more the 60% of there opinion. However the second most popular band was 41-49 with 13.16%. Even-though this band is not my target audience its still useful to see opinions from people out of my target audience. 

2) What is your favourite thriller film?

Interesting in this question i had many of the same answers. Most of the thriller films said are the most recent ones that are come out or are the most popular and common thriller films that are said. I found that the Purge and Shutter island were said multiple times. These ones are both recent and common thriller's that are said when this question is asked. Therefore we have made sure to include aspects of these thrillers, as its what our target audience enjoy. I also found that they like confusing story lines as shutter island has a confusing story line and so does The purge therefore we have done this in our opening thriller film. However i did get Saw and inception included in this questionnaire which both are both shown to have mind games as the theme. By having this question it opened many different responses. 

3) What type of thriller do u prefer?

This question was very important because it was going to set the whole mood and setting for our thriller. Therefore i put down the 3 best types i found. Which showed that Psychological was the most popular with 45%. This is very relevant to our opening because its very complex. However Crime only got 13.64% but, in most of the thrillers i have watched and also the rest of the group we have witnessed crime therefore we are also using a gun as a prop to bring the crime element. Even-though action was the second most popular we have deceived to take on board the crime as its a key convention in most of the thrillers we have all seen.

4) Do you want to be left with a plot twist?

This was a very clear winner with a yes from nearly every person and with 90% saying this answer we can tell that a plot twist is very wanted and obvious reaching out to our target audience as it adds confusion and that element of this thriller is key for plot twists because its makes the audience think. Therefore our ending will be effective.

5) What settings do you find interesting in a thriller film? 

Everyday settings was they most popular answer with 52.63%, this is realistic setting as its more believable for the audience and its better then using abandoned places. Abandoned places are very much a horror setting then  everyday settings. Even-though it got 31% its not a easy location to find. Therefore we have gone with everyday settings and also this fits in with our story line, as Freddie is having a scene in his room. This will make the scenes flow better together, The forest seemed very unpopular so we have got rid of this location that we were going to use.

6) Which type of characters do you most like to see in thrillers?

Surprising the most popular answer fro the type of characters was a imaginary friend with 45%. Which is what we have based our film on. This shows that we have included many opinions to really make this apart of our audience. Then the send most popular was mysterious characters, which we have made one of our main characters Freddie to be.

7) What is the most important part to you that happens in a thriller?

This question had many variety of answers. However unexpected events was mentioned a few times which was the only one repeated. Therefore we have got quick surpass scene at the ending for the audience.

8) Do complex plots interest you? 

By having 77% people say this its influenced our film as we are having a complex plot to get the audience to think and also we feel that complex plots show the key conventions of thrillers. Therefore this will engage out audience more with this element.

9) Do you prefer low key lighting throughout?

54% said no to this question. However 45.45% said yes. Therefore we have deceived to show both of these lightings and have got day included and night included to create a contrast for our audience. However we have seen that thrillers have dark lighting therefore we want dark lighting to show that it is a thriller and to add suspense to the audience. 

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