Friday 9 January 2015

Past Student Evaluations

This candidates first evaluation contains a lot of detail. He has divided the question into subheadings to clearly identify how it links to real media products. For example he has separate boxes for narrative, sound, editing, mise en scene, lighting etc. This is effective as you can clearly understand everything.
I also liked the video concept of their question 5. However some slides in this contained a lot of small text which was hard to read, and not enough time to read it. This could be improved by having a voice over summarizing each slide (which was done in question 6)
Question 6 was very effective. The voice over with appropriate screen shots and images made all the dialogue easy to take in and process. This is an effective presentation tool which I may also use for one of my evaluation questions.

Evaluation 2 (Lvl 2) -

The technology used in question 4 was voki. I liked this technique as it makes the answer a lot more interesting while still giving sufficient information. The only negative aspect of using this program is the limited characters you can use. This would make it difficult to use, but could be worked around if a different 'voki character' is used for different parts of the question.
This candidates question 2 used a creative program called Spicy Nodes. Each section of the question was separated and very detailed. However the layout of the program was very overlapped and sometimes confusing to read. This could of been prevented by changing the size of the embedded item, or screen grabbing and placing it as an image instead.
Overall I think the reason this candidate got a level 2 instead of 4 is due to the lack of detail and content that it contains. More images and attachments could of also been added to create visual links of the research to production process.

Evaluation 3 (Lvl3)

Amy's question one was very detailed and used power point. She did this by clearly dividing each section of the question into different slides. They also did not contain too much text, so was easy to understand. She also used lots of transitions and bright colours to make it more fun and interesting. 
Amy also used a power point for question three, this question was also very detailed and informative. However she could of used a different technology type for this question to make the evaluation more interesting.
Question 4 only contained 3 small paragraphs, this could of included more detail to make it clear exactly who their target audience was and why.
Question 5 was very visually interesting. Glogster was used for this question which allowed pictures to be clearly inserted to allow us to see what is being spoken about. I will use this program for one of my evaluation questions as it allows you to convey detail while also still being fun and interesting.

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