Monday 12 January 2015

Past Student Evaluations

IncOgnito Productions (level 4)

There evaluation looks very interesting as they have used many different technologies and have used screen grabs. I will definitely be using some of the technologies that they used.
Also as they did as a team they have made sure each person has done something, also they all have made sure they haven't just got one persons information in a question. They have used everyones.Question 5 really stands out because they have made it look interesting but also the quality of the writing is good. Also they hyperlinked to the thriller film and also had a play button for the music.
Also for Question 2 they used powerpoint however they made it interesting with the photos but they had loads of writing which answered every part of the question therefore this stood out.
Overall i can see why they got a level 4, from seeing theirs it has inspired me with what i can use and do in my evaluation.

Charles Evaluation (Level 2)

Looking at his Evaluation he didn't really write enough for some of the longer questions therefore lost out on marks. E.g. His first question doesn't involve a lot in the answer whereas he needed to of clearly demonstrated that he had a understanding of the key conventions in a thriller. As he only said "dark lighting and eerie music". There is more to thrillers that are key conventions. Also he didn't use any screen grape from his project to make it more interesting. Overall it looks un finished and not a lot of effort has gone into this question. This question had a lot that needed to be covered and wasn't.
Throughout most of his work he didn't use photos to show us what he was talking about therefore it was boring to just read everything.
However he did use 7 different technologies which were interesting apart from question 7 that he just wrote on the blog post but these will help me with my evaluation, and what i will use as my 7 different technologies. Also i think the use of Voki was a good idea but he just didn't cover enough information in each question. 
Therefore i know what i need to write in each question to get higher then a level 2.

Silly kiwi As Thriller opening - Amy Evaluation (level 3)

Question one was very good because it covered everything and she used power point as her choice of technology . The text boxes were easy to re4ad because they didn't contain to much writing, which meant it was easy to understand. Amy used lots of colours to make it interesting.
Question 7 really stood out because the technology she used was interesting, she also included a lot of detail into her writing. She also used screen grabs of her film to show us what she was talking about.
However in question 4 she didn't write a lot and wasn't in enough detail so she might of lost marks on this. Also she used powerpoint twice in her evaluation, so it would of been better to us something different. But overall she has a clear understanding and goes into a lot of detail her questions. 

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