Friday 30 January 2015

The departed Trailer

The departed

The dearted has to be one of the met famous thrillers around. Martin Scorses directed it in 2006. Within the first scene we are introduced to a man, however he is just a dark figure with no light on him. This suggests he is a dark character but also a key character because he's shown to us first. This guy straight away says "criminals" therefore we know already crime is involved and then as he is still speaking we cross over to guys in jail. This shows us the stereotype that men are aggressive and therefore go to jail.

We then come across to Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. Who are very big actors in the thriller genre. Therefore by featuring these actors in the trailer a mass audience would of been brought in. However these two actors feature a lot and this goes to show us that they are a huge part of the film. Prevalence is used because they feature theses two the most and its to tell the audience they are important. As Matt Damon is shown to be a chief police officer and then Leonardo's character is shown to us to be training to be a police officer. These gives us hints on whats going to happen later because were been shown police officers. Mise En Scene helps us identify that they are police officers because of the smart uniform and the weapons shown.

We also have limited female characters that we are shown, only one female character  therefore we see that stereotypes are going to be presented here. We also have only male police officers done and also only male characters in the "gang". The background sound at the beginning in is tense but then breaks into more happier music which is unusual and un-stereotypical for thrillers.
We are shown a phone as a key prop in this opening and this is for the target audience to identify with the film. This is important to show that this characters are using such a common device.

They also then show us some FBI documents in the trailer. These help the audience gain some information that possible might be important however fast pace is done when these are shown. Therefore it means they aren't as important as some parts however it may because its secret and want people to feel like its real. Its almost like they are searching behind someones back thats why it goes fast pace.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Iluzio 1st draft survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Past Student Evaluation

Within this groups evaluation for question 5 they have used different and a creative way to share their answer with Glogster. They have grouped each topic they're discussing by placing the text in different types of bubbles and boxes making it interesting and different to others I've seen. 

Although they could've added subheadings to each box to make it clear straight away what each paragraph is about. Another great aspect about their evaluation are the links they included around the bubbles such as a play/pause button next to the bubble about their music choices, a link to their survey and a youtube link to their final film. However, to improve they could have written a little more in detail as a few boxes are very brief. Question 1 was used with Spicy Nodes which was much more complex and still creative, it contains much more information then Q5, however involves less colour and pictures as this is a much longer answer. This continues throughout the rest of their questions whether they are using slideshare or padlet and overall they've written a well thought and detailed yet fun evaluation.
For Amy's evaluation she used a wide vary of different sites to answer each question and did it well, her standout questions to me were question 5 and 6 as they include so much information and detail, yet nice colours so it isn't too boring to read at the same time. Reading through hers it has given me a few ideas of what I can mention in my own also. Questions she could improve a little on could be not using padlet for Q7 as all the pictures were jumbled and messy, it would've been a great answer if she used a different program like Glogster which is one I'd like to experiment with for mine.
Charles' evaluation has included good information but he could have gone into more detail in certain points, something I will try to avoid doing. For question 7 he definitely could've done better as he did not use a program for this just simply BlogSpot, and did not write as much as he should've or could've. He could've used some screenshots from his film or some more examples to make it more exciting. However, different to others I have researched he used Voki, which was a much more fun and clever instead of just having to read a lot of writing. For one of our group questions we're planning on using Voki also and this is good inspiration.

Monday 12 January 2015

Past Student Evaluations

IncOgnito Productions (level 4)

There evaluation looks very interesting as they have used many different technologies and have used screen grabs. I will definitely be using some of the technologies that they used.
Also as they did as a team they have made sure each person has done something, also they all have made sure they haven't just got one persons information in a question. They have used everyones.Question 5 really stands out because they have made it look interesting but also the quality of the writing is good. Also they hyperlinked to the thriller film and also had a play button for the music.
Also for Question 2 they used powerpoint however they made it interesting with the photos but they had loads of writing which answered every part of the question therefore this stood out.
Overall i can see why they got a level 4, from seeing theirs it has inspired me with what i can use and do in my evaluation.

Charles Evaluation (Level 2)

Looking at his Evaluation he didn't really write enough for some of the longer questions therefore lost out on marks. E.g. His first question doesn't involve a lot in the answer whereas he needed to of clearly demonstrated that he had a understanding of the key conventions in a thriller. As he only said "dark lighting and eerie music". There is more to thrillers that are key conventions. Also he didn't use any screen grape from his project to make it more interesting. Overall it looks un finished and not a lot of effort has gone into this question. This question had a lot that needed to be covered and wasn't.
Throughout most of his work he didn't use photos to show us what he was talking about therefore it was boring to just read everything.
However he did use 7 different technologies which were interesting apart from question 7 that he just wrote on the blog post but these will help me with my evaluation, and what i will use as my 7 different technologies. Also i think the use of Voki was a good idea but he just didn't cover enough information in each question. 
Therefore i know what i need to write in each question to get higher then a level 2.

Silly kiwi As Thriller opening - Amy Evaluation (level 3)

Question one was very good because it covered everything and she used power point as her choice of technology . The text boxes were easy to re4ad because they didn't contain to much writing, which meant it was easy to understand. Amy used lots of colours to make it interesting.
Question 7 really stood out because the technology she used was interesting, she also included a lot of detail into her writing. She also used screen grabs of her film to show us what she was talking about.
However in question 4 she didn't write a lot and wasn't in enough detail so she might of lost marks on this. Also she used powerpoint twice in her evaluation, so it would of been better to us something different. But overall she has a clear understanding and goes into a lot of detail her questions. 

Friday 9 January 2015

Past Student Evaluations

This candidates first evaluation contains a lot of detail. He has divided the question into subheadings to clearly identify how it links to real media products. For example he has separate boxes for narrative, sound, editing, mise en scene, lighting etc. This is effective as you can clearly understand everything.
I also liked the video concept of their question 5. However some slides in this contained a lot of small text which was hard to read, and not enough time to read it. This could be improved by having a voice over summarizing each slide (which was done in question 6)
Question 6 was very effective. The voice over with appropriate screen shots and images made all the dialogue easy to take in and process. This is an effective presentation tool which I may also use for one of my evaluation questions.

Evaluation 2 (Lvl 2) -

The technology used in question 4 was voki. I liked this technique as it makes the answer a lot more interesting while still giving sufficient information. The only negative aspect of using this program is the limited characters you can use. This would make it difficult to use, but could be worked around if a different 'voki character' is used for different parts of the question.
This candidates question 2 used a creative program called Spicy Nodes. Each section of the question was separated and very detailed. However the layout of the program was very overlapped and sometimes confusing to read. This could of been prevented by changing the size of the embedded item, or screen grabbing and placing it as an image instead.
Overall I think the reason this candidate got a level 2 instead of 4 is due to the lack of detail and content that it contains. More images and attachments could of also been added to create visual links of the research to production process.

Evaluation 3 (Lvl3)

Amy's question one was very detailed and used power point. She did this by clearly dividing each section of the question into different slides. They also did not contain too much text, so was easy to understand. She also used lots of transitions and bright colours to make it more fun and interesting. 
Amy also used a power point for question three, this question was also very detailed and informative. However she could of used a different technology type for this question to make the evaluation more interesting.
Question 4 only contained 3 small paragraphs, this could of included more detail to make it clear exactly who their target audience was and why.
Question 5 was very visually interesting. Glogster was used for this question which allowed pictures to be clearly inserted to allow us to see what is being spoken about. I will use this program for one of my evaluation questions as it allows you to convey detail while also still being fun and interesting.